.GR.COM - Greece
Starting February 8, 2011, .GR.COM domains are available for registration on a first-come-first-serve basis. Anyone worldwide can register .GR.COM domains without restriction.
- Reseller: 26.18* (net: 22.00) USD per Domain/Year
- Premium: 24.28* (net: 20.40) USD per Domain/Year
- Platinum: 22.61* (net: 19.10) USD per Domain/Year
GR.COM is the perfect domain for:
- Anyone wanting keyword domains
- Anyone seeking defensive registrations
- Greek and Cypriot registrants
- Anyone wishing to do business in Greece or Cyprus
.US.ORG - The Alternative to .ORG for American Organizations
Starting June 1, 2011, anyone worldwide will be permitted to register a .US.ORG domain. Registrations are on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Reseller: 26.18* (net: 22.00) USD per Domain/Year
- Premium: 24.28* (net: 20.40) USD per Domain/Year
- Platinum: 22.61* (net: 19.10) USD per Domain/Year
.US.ORG is the perfect domain for:
- Anyone who wants an .org that is currently unavailable
- .ORG owners seeking defensive registrations
- Individuals, companies and not-for-profits that put ethics and responsibility before profit
- Domain investors
* The GROSS price includes Germany's 19% VAT; many resellers pay the lower NET price without VAT.